SEO changes in 2024

Marketing team sitting at desk brainstorming about SEO.
Marketing team sitting at desk brainstorming about SEO.

What will change in terms of SEO in 2024

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As a marketer, it is essential to stay updated on the latest changes in SEO. The landscape of search engine optimization is constantly evolving, and Google's algorithm updates play a crucial role in shaping how we approach SEO. With so many updates happening regularly, it can be challenging to keep up and even more difficult to know how to respond. In this blog post, we will discuss the major changes coming for SEO and provide a strategy to win in 2024.

Google Algorithm Updates for SEO

One of the key things you need to know about Google's algorithm updates is that they can cause significant volatility in search engine result pages (SERPs). And it's not just the updates themselves that pose the problem; it's how we react to them. We've all seen it: people immediately start speculating about what's going on and make changes to their websites without taking the time to think it through. This reactive approach is often the wrong path and can do more harm than good.

The key is to be proactive and think ahead about what changes you need to make to your website. But it's also important to slow down and evaluate the situation before making changes. This helps you make small and measured adjustments when needed, rather than making drastic changes every time Google updates their algorithm.

Hold off on making SEO changes

Another important principle to keep in mind is that you should never start making changes to your website unless you know what has changed in the algorithm update. The latest round of updates has caused a lot of volatility in the SERPs, and before we know what happened, people started making changes to their websites. This can lead to dangerous paths, and we see this happening everywhere on the internet, even within our own communities. It's important to stop, take a deep breath, and not get caught up in fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD).

In the short term, it's not uncommon to see a drop in traffic after an algorithm update, but more often than not, it starts picking up again within a few weeks. If that's not the case, it's a good time to evaluate what may have happened on your website. However, it's important to remember that if real changes are happening, those who can successfully adapt will not only survive but thrive. Adaptability is crucial for success in SEO.

SEO strategy for 2024

So, what is the strategy to win in 2024? The first step is to have core principles to live by when creating content. These principles should be the way you approach SEO so that you don't have to radically change everything every time Google updates their algorithm. The second step is to stay informed and up-to-date on the latest trends and changes in SEO. This will help you anticipate what's coming and make the necessary adjustments before they happen.

In summary, the landscape of SEO is constantly evolving, and Google's algorithm updates play a crucial role in shaping how we approach SEO. The key is to be proactive, have a strategy, and adhere to core principles when creating content. It's important to avoid reacting impulsively to updates and instead take the time to evaluate the situation before making changes to your website. Those who can adapt to changes will not only survive but thrive. Stay informed and stay ahead to win in 2024.

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